We believe it’s time for a little anarchy. Our T-shirts express the politically charged idea of a little anarchy that takes us back as a country, as families, as individuals, to a time when common sense made sense and freedom was more than just a word in the dictionary.
This section of the Galactic Enterprise houses the sleeping quarters, laboratories, classrooms, the medical section, the main dinning area called the Galactic Kitchen and other eateries, various entertainment and other recreational areas, the ship's chapel which is also available online, and aeroponics along with the main life-support system are located in this section of the ship. The ship's computer core is also in this section of the ship.
This section of the ship rotates creating various degrees of gravity with zero gravity at the core. The maximum rotational or angular velocity for generally accepted human comfort levels is 2 rpm creating .46 earth normal gravity in the outer rings. Normally, we rotate at 1.7 rpm which creates .33 earth normal gravity. We could rotate at 2.94 rpm to create earth normal gravity.